Old Doctor Yells At Clouds
17 hours ago
"Then again, a thinking person will look at what's happening in this nation, and question whether or not we are morally pleasing to God, and wonder if there is a missing link between the two."I'm not entirely sure if Comfort understands how large California is, even though he lives there, so I'll attempt to put it into perspective. Of the 104,765,440 acres, only 517,267 have been burned. You would think that for an act of "god," it would be more efficient to hit, you know, well populated areas if he is only going to destroy 0.5% of the total area. I mean, wouldn't this all-knowing god at least know where the people live? He goes on to say:
Maryanne said “in California it's fair and dry.” I said that we are in the worst drought in our history, with 840 wildfires at one time (now over 1,000). All is not well in California as she naively supposes (how would she react if I said that all is wet and well in the Midwest?). We badly need rain, and God is in charge of rain, and He’s in charge (unintended pun) of lightning (see Job 38:22-27) . . . whether we believe that or not.Well, except of the 840 wildfires he is talking about, most of them are less than 10 acres, and there are no 1,000 wildfires, here's a map of the fires in California as of today. I would like to point out that with 842 wildfires, his god completely missed EVERY major city. Wouldn't a massive earthquake in the 12.0 area be much more efficient than hundreds of wildfires that seem to only be destroying forest. I mean, the San Andreas fault passes right between every single metro center, the fires all missed. Thousands of lightning strikes, a few hundred fires, and only threaten forests and maybe a couple thousand homes? Damn, isn't Comfort's god powerful? In case you forgot about the whole "rain" fiasco and how it works when, two weeks later, they get a half inch of rain, it was because "god did it." Even though they were predicting rain two weeks later long before the prayer. Actually, they were predicting rain three days before they actually got it before the governor prayed, so if anything, it pushed back the inevitable rain a few days. Now for Comfort's closing arguments which are completely and utterly hilarious.
Lighten up atheists. Life is too short to develop an unwarranted ulcer over what you think I believe.Why hello there pot....